Barnegat Lighthouse is an old historic lighthouse located along the coastline in the beautiful state of New Jersey. You'll find it in Barnegat Lighthouse State Park on the northern tip of Long Beach Island. It's part of the New Jersey Lighthouse Trail. Locals refer to it as Old Barney.
The Lighthouse was constructed in 1835 using a lot of granite, brick and iron. It's in the traditional conical shape like most lighthouses around the world. Overall, it stands 169 feet tall featuring a fresnal lens with a range of 22 nautical miles. The light operates daily from dawn to dusk. To get to the top, you'll need to climb 217 steps! It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1971.
Park Hours - Daily from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The lighthouse is only open on weekends (for tours) from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. You can walk around the grounds of the lighthouse when the park is open. Hours are weather permitting. You can find information HERE.
A few blocks away you'll find the Barnegat Museum. It has a lot of the historical information, exhibits, photographs and the original lens is housed there. You can pick up a few gifts, books and souvenirs from the gift shop while you're there. You'll want to check out their hours of operation which various throughout the different seasons of the year.