I was looking online for some Expedia coupon codes 2012 and found many of them that we can utilize during our vacation planning. For example, we are planning a trip to Hawaii and we found an Expedia hotel coupon where we can save up to 30% on our hotel reservations! Wow, that is a great savings! With savings like that, we might be able to take our daughter along with us!
In addition, we are planning a late summer trip down to St. Lucia and I found an online expedia coupon where we can save up to 55% or get one free night! I was jumping for joy when I found that online coupon code, because I was ready to pay full price. That is a huge savings and with the money I am saving, I think hubby and I will be able to afford some scuba diving lessons too! yeah!
Where will all of you be traveling to this summer? Got any of your summer vacation plans set in stone yet? We got 2 of our 3 vacations planned so next week I will be working on the third one. Please feel free to leave me a few comments below on your summer vacation plans or how you like to save money when booking them. Happy Traveling!
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