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Showing posts with label Historical Markers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Historical Markers. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Reformed Presbyterian Church Historical Marker

Reformed Presbyterian Church Historical Marker

Over the past 12 years we've been documenting the historical markers that we come across while traveling across the state of Pennsylvania. Millions of people walk by or drive by them every year and don't give them a second thought. Heck, most people don't even notice them. We're here to change that!

The historical markers contain important history about the local area and/or the people that lived in that area. Often times it's not the type of history you find printed in school history books! While on the Pennsylvania Historical Marker Trail we discovered the Reformed Presbyterian Church historical marker. 

Reformed Presbyterian Church Historical Marker

Here's the information:

Reformed Presbyterian Church 

In 1721, near this site, America's First Reformed Presbyterian Church was organized of believers who had suffered in Scotland and Ireland "for Christ's crown and covenant."

Also, the first presbytery of the Church was formed here in 1774. 

200 Years later at Paxtang, reformed presbyterians gathered to reaffirm his kingship.

You can easily photograph this historical marker as it's located in a cemetery. Plenty of room to pull over, park and to get out to photograph it for your waymarking records.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Highest Point on Interstate 80 East of the Mississippi

Highest Point on Interstate 80 East of the Mississippi

 If you're going to be traveling on Insterstate 80 through Clearfield County in Penfield, Pennsylvania you'll want to keep your eye out for the following sign. It's easy to miss unless you're paying attention, know the area and are looking for it.  It's located right on I-80 and says the following:

Highest Point on Interstate 80 East of the Mississippi, Elevation 2250 ft. 

Each side of the interestate has one of these signs. However, you'll need to carefully pull off to the side of the road to get out to photograph it. At times...traffic can be congested and heavy in this area, so please be careful if you plan on stopping to photograph it. 

We got a quick photograph of it on the day we were traveling through the area. Luckily...we were there at the right time and traffic wasn't too heavy. Finally, a photograph for our waymarking records. The photo isn't the best as it had just started to rain...however, the wordage is clear!

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Malcolm Cowley Historical Marker in Cambria County

Over the past 12 years we've been following the Pennsylvania Historical Marker Trail all through our great state and documenting them here on the blog. Millions of people walk or drive by these markers every year and never give them a second thought. They're a great source of historic information and we're trying to bring some much needed attention to them.
Malcolm Cowley Historical Marker in Cambria County

While following the historical marker trail through Cambria County we came upon the Malcom Cowley historical marker. Here's what it says. 

Malcolm Cowley

Born here in 1898, Cowley became an influential literary critic, editor, poet, and historian after World War I. He chronicles the "Lost Generation" in Exile's Return, his most famous work. Blue Juanita, a book of verse, celebrates this region. He was Chancellor of the American Academy of Arts & Letters, 1966-1976. He died in Sherman, Conn. in 1989.

Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission

You'll find it located on Benjamin Franklin Highway US Route 422 on the right when traveling west. It's near Belsano in Cambria County, Pennsylvania. You can pull off on the side of the road to photograph it for your waymarking records. You can find hundreds of Pennsylvania Historical Markers documented on our travel blog. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Historic Elk County Courthouse in Ridgway

Elk County Courthouse in Ridgway Pennsylvania

The hisotric Elk County Courthouse is located in Ridgway, Pennsylvania. You'll find it at the intersection of Main and Broad Streets. There's a historical marker on the property that gives you all of the past history and information regarding the courthouse. Here's some of that information.

In the early 1800s, ancient forests stretched unbroken across northwestern Pennsylvania. Jacob Ridgway of Philadelphia, one of the richest men in the United States, saw opportunity in the region's massive trees and clear-flowing rivers and purchased 100,000 acres of this land, newly deeded to the U.S. government by the Six Nations Indian tribes. In 1822, his land agent, James Gillis, founded Ridgway at the Montmorency Farm Site six and one-half miles from the present town site. Because Montmorency lacked adequate streams to operate mills and float goods to market, Gillis shifted the town of Ridgway to this river valley. 
Elk County Courthouse in Ridgway Pennsylvania

When Elk County was established in 1843, towns vied for the honor of becoming the county seat. Ridgway prevailed and, in 1845, constructed a wooden courthouse on this site. By 1879, Elk County had outgrown the wooden courthouse and sold it at public auction to Hugh McGeehan for $135. 

A few months later, the cornerstone of the new courthouse was laid with great ceremony. Town fathers placed within it a copper box containing period newspapers, coins, and a poem commemorating the day. In 1880, the courthouse was completed, built of native sandstone and brick and roofed with tin and slate. The original half-ton steel bell still hangs in the bell tower.
Elk County Courthouse in Ridgway Pennsylvania

On the property you'll find various historical markers for Elk County and the Elk County Courthouse. The town clock is also located here. On the day that we visited the courthouse was undergoing major construction. They had the property roped off, so we couldn't get any closer than standing on the sidewalk. You'll need to park down one of the side streets and walk up to visit it.

I'm hoping that the next time we're in the area we can get close and walk through their gorgeous landscaped grounds. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Elk County Historical Marker in Ridgway

Elk County Historical Marker in Ridgway Pennsylvania

Over the past 12 years we've been following the Pennsylvania Historical Marker Trail all through our great state and documenting them here on the blog. Millions of people walk or drive by these markers every year and never give them a second thought. They're a great source of historic information and we're trying to bring some much needed attention to them.

While on a road trip through the northern and western part of Pennsylvania we came across the ELK COUNTY historical marker. Here's what it says.


Formed April 18, 1843 from parts of McKean, Clearfield and Jefferson counties. Named for the large elk herd that roamed the area. First State Game Lands established in Pennsylvania, in 1920, are here. The county seat, Ridgway, was settled in 1824. 

Location: You'll find this historical marker at the intersection of Main Street and Broad Street in Ridgway, Pennsylvania. The intersection can be very busy at times, so pull down a side street to park. Then walk up to the marker to photograph it for your waymarking records. You'll find 8 other historical markers nearby.

You can take a look at all of the historical markers we've documented on our travel blog by checking out that specific section as well as the ones on our Pinterest board.

Friday, June 28, 2024

B-26 Plane Crash Blue Mountain Memorial in Brightbill Park

B-26 Plane Crash on Blue Mountain Memorial in Harrisburg Pennsylvania

Heroes Grove is part of Brightbill Park in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It's one of many beautiful parks that you'll find in Dauphin County. Within Brightbill Park you'll find ball fields, tennis courts, walking trails, the Heroes Grove Amphitheater, and more!

What some people don't know is that Heroes Grove is home to the B-26 Plane Crash on Blue Mountain Memorial. You'll find it near the amphitheater and concession building. We never knew it was there until we attending a concert last summer. 

B-26 Plane Crash on Blue Mountain Memorial in Harrisburg Pennsylvania

The memorial plaque gives you all kinds of information about the B-26 Plane Crash that occurred on April 22nd, 1951 along with the 2 heroes who died. They were stationed out of Ohio. The plaque includes information about each of the 2 servicemen along with the crash information. 

If you're a history or military'll want to check it out. We never knew this memorial was there or anything about the crash and we've lived in the area for 35+ years! Always nice to stumble upon something new. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Guided Tours of the Historic Dills Tavern in Dillsburg

Historic Dills Tavern in Dillsburg Pennsylvania

 The historic Dills Tavern is located in northern York County in the town of Dillsburg, Pennsylvania. It's no longer operating as a tavern but you can visit the hisotric building and take a guided tour. You can find tour information HERE. Tours are offered by appointment April through November. 

Historic Dills Tavern in Dillsburg Pennsylvania

On the property you'll find the 200+ year old stone building (the Tavern) and several out buildings. It was built in 1794 by John Dill, the grandson of Matthew Dill. You can read a little bit of the history on the website or look for the historical marker located on the site. 

Historic Dills Tavern in Dillsburg Pennsylvania

Property has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places by The United States Department of the Interior. The property was acquired for the Dillsburg community by a gift from Charles T. and Lucille C. Vogelsong August 2nd, 2001 to preserve the historic building for future generations. It's managed by the Northern York County Historical and Preservation Society.

Historic Dills Tavern in Dillsburg Pennsylvania

We visited the property and just walked around checking it out. We plan on returning this summer to take a guided tour. In the meantime, we wanted to share a few photographs that we took during our brief visit.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Forbes Road Stony Creek Encampment Historical Marker

 Over the past 11 years we've been following the Pennsylvania Historical Marker Trail all through our great state and documenting them here on the blog. Millions of people walk or drive by these markers every year and never give them a second thought. They're a great source of historic information and we're trying to bring some much needed attention to them.

While on the Pennsylvania Historical Marker Trail through Somerset County we spotted the Forbes Road Stony Creek Encampment marker. It's located at the intersection of Lincoln Highway US Route 30 and Whistler Road. Here's what it says.

Forbes Road Stony Creek Encampment Historical Marker in Somerset County Pennsylvania

Forbes Road Stony Creek Encampment

A fortified supply depot known as the Stony Creek encampment or fort was a little north of here. The route then leads north to the foot of Laurel Hill, the site of Tomahawk camp.

2005 Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission

There are at least 8 other historical markers within 15 minutes driving distance from this one. All are part of the trail through Somerset County in Pennsylvania. You can find several of them documented on the Pennsylvania and Beyond Travel Blog

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Forbes Road Fort Dewart Historical Marker

 Over the past 11 years we've been following the Pennsylvania Historical Marker Trail all through our great state and documenting them here on the blog. Millions of people walk or drive by these markers every year and never give them a second thought. They're a great source of historic information and we're trying to bring some much needed attention to them.

Forbes Road Fort Dewart Historical Marker in Somerset County, Pennsylvania

While on the historical marker trail through Somerset County...we came upon the Forbes Road Fort Dewart marker. Here's what it says.

Forbes Road Fort Dewart

The fort on the top of Allegheny Hill was erected in 1758 during the Gen. Forbes expedition against Fort Duquesne. The site is marked half a mile northeast of here, near the head of Breastwork Run.

2005 Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission

You can pull off to the side of the road to photograph it for your waymarking records safely. The day we were traffic, so we parked and got out to photograph it. You can check out other Pennsylvania Historical Markers located nearby right on our travel blog.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Pennsylvania State Historical Marker

This official Pennsylvania State historical marker is one of many that you'll find when entering the beautiful Keystone state. You'll typically find them on the state line or within 1 mile of crossing over into the state. 

Pennsylvania State Historical Marker


Founded 1681 by William Penn as a Quaker Commonwealth. Birthplace of The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States.

Some of these state historical markers vary a little bit with the information on them. When photographing them for your waymarking records...always make sure that you pull over in a safe place! 

Friday, April 28, 2023

Historic Revere House and Tavern in Paradise Lancaster County

Historic Revere House and Tavern in Paradise Lancaster County

The Historic Revere House and Tavern is located right along Route 30 in Paradise, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. It's a property with several old stone buildings with great signage out front, so you can't miss it when you're driving by. You can pull into the parking lot if you want to get out and walk around.

Historic Revere House and Tavern in Paradise Lancaster County

Revere House was built in 1790 and one of the oldest still-standing buildings in the area. From what I read online...the tavern itself closed for business in 2022 except for reserved banquets and events. I'm not sure if that has changed. The hotel which is part of the Best Western chain is still open for business.

On the side of this historic building is where you'll find the historical marker for your waymarking records. Here's the information from it.

Historic Revere House and Tavern in Paradise Lancaster County

This building prior to 1800 one of many taverns along this highway, April 1854 to about 1865 was owned by James Buchanan fifteenth President of the United States. The home of his brother and sister-in-law, the Reverend Edward Young and Eliza Foster Buchanan. She was the musicianly sister of Stephen Collins Foster whose immortal songs brought untold happiness into the world. 

The Lancaster County Historical Society 1954. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Anglesea Railroad Station Historical Marker in North Wildwood

When traveling we always take the time to seek out historical markers along the way. Millions of people just drive or walk by them every year without giving them a glance. Historical markers contain local historic information about the area you live in or visiting. Often times facts that you don't learn in history books nor online. They're a great source of information.

While on a road trip down to the south Jersey Shore we stumbled upon the new Anglesea Railroad Station historical marker in North Wildwood, New Jersey. 
Anglesea Railroad Station Historical Marker in North Wildwood

Here's the information.

Borough of Anglesea 1885-1906
Anglesea Railroad Station

The first and only station of the Anglesea Railroad was built on this site in 1884. Plaqued by erratic service and a right-of-way susceptible to flooding, the Anglesea Railroad soon went bankrupt and was taken over by the West Jersey Railroad in 1888. The station here was then converted into a freight dock known as the "Fish Depot", where the daily catch of Hereford Inlet's fishing fleet was shipped to Camden and Philadelphia.

City of North Wildwood, New Jersey

Veteran's Memorial in North Wildwood New Jersey

The building is no longer there. Matter of fact...the space was turned into a little park containing Veteran Memorials and a brand new Gold Star Families memorial is planned for 2023. There's a park bench you can sit on and a paved walking path around the little park. 

Saturday, January 21, 2023

2nd Ward Fire Station Historical Marker in North Wildwood

Historical markers can be found in all 50 states and contain important information about our country's history. Some of the history displayed on these markers are national while other's point out local historical facts. Every time we travel, especially when on a road trip we seek out these markers and document the ones that we find as part of our waymarking records.

While down in North Wildwood in New Jersey we came across a brand new historical marker in the borough of North Wildwood. It's located right in front of Bubba's Liquor Store. Here's the information contained on it.
2nd Ward Fire Station Historical Marker in North Wildwood

Borough of North Wildwood 1906-1917

2nd Ward Fire Station

On March 1, 1907 citizens of the southern part of the Borough petitioned Council for fire protection in their neighborhoods. The headquarters of North Wildwood Fire Company No. 1, built on this site, was completed in December 1907. The building served as the 2nd Ward Firehouse until 1928 when the Company moved to 15th & Central Avenues. Morrow's Cafe and later Woody's Bar occupied the former Firehouse until it was razed in 2019.

City of North Wildwood, New Jersey. 

If you're going to visiting the island you can find hundreds of posts, reviews, articles, and photographs all on Wildwood in New Jersey...right here on our blog. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Lieutenant Joseph Walto Memorial Historical Marker in Wildwood

Lieutenant Joseph Walto Memorial Historical Marker in Wildwood

While on vacation in Wildwood, New Jersey we stumbled upon a new historical memorial marker that we haven't seen before. This one is to honor Lieutenant Joseph Walto who was a member of the Wildwood Fire Department. Here's what it says.

Wildwood Fire Department
Lieutenant Joseph Walto
L.O.D.D. - December 25, 1943
Ocean Pier Fire (Juniper Avenue and the Boardwalk)

Joseph Walto was born on March 13, 1881. He died on Christmas Day in 1943 at the age of 62 while fighting a disastrous fire. Lt. Walto worked as a driver for the Five Mile Electric Trolley Car Company and later worked for Atlantic City Electric where his duties included manually turning on the island's street lamps. He was later a supervisor of electric repairman until the fatal fire.

Lt. Walto was stricken at the fire scene and was transported to Dr. Maggie Mace's Hospital in North Wildwood. Dr. Mace summond Walto's family to his side. Lt. Joseph R. Walto, a 27 year firefighting volunteer died two hours after being stricken. His son, Army Staff Sgt. Joseph John Walto, learned of his father's death while he was preparing for the allied assault on Anzio Beach, Italy, in World War II. The blaze was considered the worst in the history of the cities of Wildwood and North Wildwood. It swept three boardwalk blocks, including the famous Ocean Pier, hotels, and stores. Along with all the building northward on the boardwalk from Poplar Avenue, additional homes on Juniper Avenue and 26th Street were damaged. 

Lt. Joseph R. Walto was survived at the time of his death by his wife, Carla K. Walto; daughter Elisabeth Walto; sone Charles S. and his wife Francis Walto and son Joseph John. 

Millions of visitors to the Wildwood Boardwalk every year just walk by these markers and memorials never stopping to read them or learn about the history on the area. We're hoping to spotlight them and hopefully bring some much needed attention to them.You'll find this marker located on the Wildwood Boardwalk.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Historic Ottens Canal in North Wildwood New Jersey

Historic Ottens Canal in North Wildwood New Jersey

Like Pennsylvania...the state of New Jersey has a historical marker trail. You can follow the trail throughout the state to learn more about the state's history. These historical markers are never given proper attention with people just walking or driving by and never reading them. We're trying to change that!

Every time we travel we seek out historical markers in the area that we're visiting. On this particular trip we found the new Ottens Canal historical marker located in North Wildwood, New Jersey. Here's the information contained on it.

Borough of Anglesea 1885-1906

Ottens Canal

In May 1905 Borough Council adopted Ordinance #58, vacating 18th Avenue west of Delaware Avenue for Henry Ottens to construct a canal. As part of the "Ottens Canal Tract" development, the canal would provide water access to Grassy Sound and allow Mr. Ottens to market the sale of waterfront properties. The first crabbing excursion in August landed 103 crabs in less than two hours. Final dredging was completed in December 1905.

City of North Wildwood, New Jersey

Historic Ottens Canal in North Wildwood New Jersey
In our second photograph you can see the area behind the marker showing some of the homes lining it with their boat docks. It's located on the "bay side" of the Wildwood island. A very pretty area and often not overloaded with tourists.

If you're interested in learning more about Wildwood or following the New Jersey Historical Marker Trail you can find all kinds of information and photos on our travel blog

Monday, November 28, 2022

Summerdale Centennial Historical Marker

The Summerdale Centennial historical marker is located on the property of Central Penn College along Valley Road in Summerdale, Pennsylvania. Valley Road can have heavy traffic at times, if you want to photograph this marker for your waymarking records...we recommend pulling into the parking lot of the Boyer House and walking through the property (yes, it's allowed) to get to it safely.

Summerdale Centennial Historical Marker

Summerdale Centennial 1909-2009

In 1902, a new park was to open near Enola. The West Fairview and Marysville Traction Company was to create a new summer resort. In 1903, A park and a pavilion with a dance floor were established where great dance bands of the era (pre-WWI) performed. 

In 1909, Harry K. Horner purchased the park, pavilion, and three farms. Mason D. Pratt, engineer, drew up plans for the town of Summerdale. City folks flocked to Summerdale to escape the heat and enjoy the park and dance hall. 

Information above is imprinted on the historical marker for your records. If you're going to park along Valley Road (and not pull into the Boyer House parking lot), you do need to be careful of traffic. There's not much room to pullover, so please...consider using the Boyer House parking lot.

You can find hundreds of different historical markers documented on the Pennsylvania and Beyond Travel Blog and you can follow the Pennsylvania Historical Marker Trail to learn more.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Hereford Inlet Life Saving Station Historical Marker in North Wildwood

Hereford Inlet Life Saving Station Historical Marker in North Wildwood

The Hereford Inlet Lighthouse and Life Saving Station are located in North Wildwood, New Jersey in the borough of Anglesea. They're located right behind the North Wildwood Seawall and right along the beach. You can get beautiful scenic views of the inlet and the Atlantic Ocean by walking up onto the Seawall right behind the lighthouse. Prettiest area on the entire island!

While exploring the island we followed the historical marker trail and came across the Hereford Inlet Life Saving Station historical marker. It's located right beside a wood gazebo up along the North Wildwood Seawall (where visitors and locals walk along the beach). 
Hereford Inlet Life Saving Station Historical Marker in North Wildwood

Here's what it says.

Borough of Anglesea 1885-1906
Hereford Inlet Life Saving Station

In 1850 the Federal Government placed a small Life Saving Station in this vicinity which housed a life boat and essential supplies for persons involved in shipwrecks. A larger station was constructed in 1872 after the formation of the US Life Saving Service, and in 1888 a more modern station was built near the Lighthouse. The US Coast Guard took over in 1915 and built what is now the Marine Police Building in 1938.
New Jersey State Police North Wildwood, New Jersey

City of North Wildwood, New Jersey

The only police building that we found nearby was up beside the Hereford Inlet Lighthouse. The white building beside the lighthouse had a sign that states New Jersey State Police. We're assuming that may be the Marine Police Building, but not positive. It's shown in the photograph above. In the parking lot behind the building there were what looked like life saving boats and water rescue equipment.

Onto the next historical marker on the New Jersey Historical Marker trail. If you want to learn more about the ones located in southern New Jersey, you'll find may of them documented here on the blog.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Borough of Anglesea Borough Hall Historical Marker in North Wildwood

A few months ago we took a road trip down through southern New Jersey on the historical marker and lighthouse trail. We spent 4 days following the trail and learning a lot of history on the area. Millions of people drive by historical markers and never look at them. We're trying to give attention to this markers and the history that you can learn by reading them.

While driving through North Wildwood in New Jersey we came across a brand new historical marker. Here's the information for it.

Borough of Anglesea Borough Hall Historical Marker in North Wildwood New Jersey

Borough of Anglesea 1185-1906

Borough Hall

Nathan Yowdall built a three-story social hall on this site in 1902 and planned to rent the first floor to the Anglesea Fire Company. But Mayor & Council purchased the entire building, holding their first meeting in the new hall on January 22, 1903. After an August 1922 fire the top floor was removed; the remaining floors were used by the Fire Company and later Civil Defense until the building was torn down in 2001.

City of North Wildwood, New Jersey

If you're interested in the historical marker trail or the lighthouses in southern New Jersey, you can find all kinds of information, posts, and photographs on the blog. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Swatara Gap Historical Marker in Lebanon County

Over the past 9 years we've been following the Pennsylvania Historical Marker Trail all through our great state and documenting them here on the blog. Millions of people walk or drive by these markers every year and never give them a second thought. They're a great source of historic information and we're trying to bring some much needed attention to them. 

While following the Historical Marker Trail through Lebanon County we came across the SWATARA GAP historical marker located near Lickdale Pennsylvania. You'll find it on State Highway 72. You can pull off to the side of the road to photograph it for your waymarking records. 
Swatara Gap Historical Marker in Lebanon County Pennsylvania


This gap in the Blue Mountain, named for Swatara Creek, a pass through which enemy Indians raided frontier settlements during the French and Indian War. Fort Swatara was built nearby to guard it. 

By: 1947 by Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. 

The Swatara Gap is one of two gaps located in this area with Indiantown Gap being the second. Both Gaps were used by Indians and Settlers to pass through the Blue Mountain to make travel a little bit easier during those times. 

If you're interested in following the Pennsylvania Historical Marker Trail and/or interested in waymarking them you can find additional information in our Historical Markers section right here on the Pennsylvania and Beyond Travel Blog.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Borough Hall Historical Marker in North Wildwood

Last month we took a road trip down through southern New Jersey on the historical marker and lighthouse trail. We spent 4 days following the trail and learning a lot of history on the area. Millions of people drive by the historical markers and never look at them. We're trying to give attention to these markers and the history that you can learn by reading them.

While driving through North Wildwood in New Jersey we came across a brand new historical marker. Here's the information for it.

Borough Hall Historical Marker in North Wildwood

Borough of Anglesea 1885-1906

Borough Hall

In 1886 the first Municipal Building of the Borough of Anglesea was erected on this lot, known at the time as #318 Walnut Avenue. Built by Ellsworth Hewitt for $559, the 2-story building housed a council room, office and jail cell. When the Borough Government moved to 3rd & Central Avenues in 1903, the building was sold and converted to a private residence, but burned to the ground on April 14th, 1912.

City of North Wildwood, New Jersey

This was actually the second historical marker we found labeled Borough Hall in North Wildwood, with each of them having different historical information. If you would like to learn more about Wildwood in New Jersey, you can find all kinds of informative articles, reviews, and photographs on our travel blog.